Tom Sylvest, Jr.


I'm grateful to all of you who have supported me through the years. Some of you have been following me since before 1997. Many of you have stumbled upon my work or have been directed to me by your friends more recently. I appreciate all of you. It is your recognition, affirmation and encouragement that inspire me. You help me to accomplish my goal. That goal is to enterrtain you and offer a little additional joy to your life.

I have reconstructed this website,, to pursue my goal more thoroughly. There are many interesting adventures and projects to which I have committed. Below you will find brief descriptions and links to these projects. Some of them may interest you and inspire you. All of them are important to me and have my attention at any moment of the day.

I find myself at an interesting point in life. My health is pretty good and I am thankful I can be active at my age. In addition, I am not distracted with restoring my house from a hurricane or flood for the first time in a while. Related to these disasters is the amount of artwork and other creations I lost in the flood. As sad and devastating as that was I have accepted the loss and moved on.

I have the ability, the focus, and the drive to use the time I have on these projects. I am a life-long learner and enjoy developing new skills to use on interesting challenges. I invite you to look over my shoulder as I get after it.

TASjr signature
click on images for more info
TigerToons Legacy


Preserving and Distributing the Digital Archives

At least twenty-five years of digital materials reside on my hard drives. This adds up to thousands of unqiue files. What happens when I'm gone? I am considering the possibilities. I hope to repackage these files and produce PDFs, digital books, printed materials, flash drives, and NFTs. This is a huge project and my goal is to format the material in ways you can use, share it and even own it. Stay tuned. For now, enjoy the TigerToons Archives. It will change soon.

TigerToons Archives


Behavioral Dynamics

Dr. Timmons was an important mentor to me. I intend to honor him by making his work, Behavioral Dynamics, available. I will produce animations and video to deliver his principles, thoughts and philosophy. I also have written material to accompany this visual presentation. I am certain you will find his information useful if you are interested in becoming more effective in your interpersonal relations. Here's a link to this section of the website. I will publish the first videos soon.

Timmons' Behavioral Dynamics


The history and legacy of my dad.

No one has been more supportive and instrumental in shaping me into the person I am. You may completely blame him. Dad has many talents, so much experience,  wonderful perspectives, a joy for living, and wisdom by the bushels. I have been capturing as much of his memories and stories in useful formats for the future generations. I have acquired the copyrights to his books to curate that treasure. A labor of love indeed.



"Time to get painting again"

As I have mentioned ad nausem, I lost a lot of original artwork in the 2016 Flood. That's a shame and it leaves a hole in my work. I have a studio now. I have brushes, paints, canvases, and tons of ideas. I intend to get more immersed in painting and creating visual arts. It gives me headaches I'm so anxious. It's hard to sleep at night without dreaming about the art plans.

Archives Project


Preserving my past work

I have a few pieces of work that have survived. I have many articles and cartoons from various newspapers and magazines. I'm planning to create digital records of it all and organize it for easy access and review.

Music Projects


Writing, publishing, performing, and recording my music

I have hundreds of songs. I have lyrics with no music. I have tunes with no words. I have some fair recordings. I have non-professional productions in the can. I have a few video recordings of performances. I will share some of this with you guys. I hope I can take a few of my resources and produce something to which you'll listen. That's one of those vanity things. Forgive me.

Blog, Vlog, Writings


Sharing the journey

Facebook has been the main way I shared what's going on with me. It's okay, but it is FaceBook. I would like to provide a more intimate record of this journey I am taking. I will also make available many of the stories I have written through the years. You may get a kick out of that. We'll see how that goes.

To Be Announced


Who knows what else?

I am always stumbling into something interesting. Recently I have had fun with our genealogy and stories about our ancestors. I have enjoyed traveling the countryside looking for gravesites. This is just one of the sidelines I visit now and then. Of course, my wife and I like traveling. We'll do more of that I hope. Documenting those journeys is fun and I enjoy the feedback I get from some of you. For now, learning "responsive website design" and discovering the block chain systems as it applies to NFTs has been occuppying my time.