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Gallery Reconstructed for Responsiveness
"Coming to the end of the website work."
Friday, April 15, 2022
by Tom Sylvest, Jr.
From post to TigerToons Facebook Group...Note: all links are available in the upper-right-hand corner of this page...

2022 Gallery

While bebopping about the beach last weekend, my mind was churning with ideas about how to enhance my website's experience for those who visit it. If the objective is driving the traffic looking for TigerToons to the site, the site needed reworking. Taking into consideration the vast number of devices folks use to access the web, I have been committed to making the site more responsive. Learning and using CSS, HTML5, and Javascript has been a challenge. My skills are improving and my understanding is increasing. It is a "use it or lose it" proposition. Lao Tsu's "I hear, I forget; I see, I remember; I do, I understand," applies.

Carving Out the Time to Learn Well

I have set aside many other efforts. I haven't been painting or drawing much. I have written less than I usually do. The Timmons' video production and my dad's legacy project have been on the back burner. And, of course, I have the chores of life. However, the website is critical in delivering past, current and future content. My time is not wasted in this endeavor.

Codger Needs to Look to the Future

Most of my work in the Fall is involved with building cartoon galleries. All of the galleries I have done over 25 years were designed for desktop displays. That is not the future of digital asset sharing. Devices such as watches, phones, pads, pods, laptops, large screens, and VR visors have set me on the path to getting with the future. There will be a day when you might have my avatar walk you through thousands of digital files that you may find interesting and useful. I may not even actually be above ground when your grandkids enjoy my work. This old codger wants to and needs to keep up.

Milestone Reached

Today I completed the templates for the upcoming football season. That's a huge milestone for me. I can pivot back to the other things to which I wish to devote my time. Assembling galleries and making them easy to use will be ongoing, but the hardest work is now behind me. (Might mean more beach for me. Yay!)

Please Take a Look

I invite you to visit the website in general and the galleries specifically.